Find all of the quotes from Disney’s A Wrinkle In Time movie down below. We’ve compiled a list of the best A Wrinkle In Time quotes.
A Wrinkle In Time Quotes | Quotes from A Wrinkle In Time Movie
Disney’s A Wrinkle In Time is now out in theaters. Throughout the movie, we heard some pretty powerful quotes. I’ve compiled a list of all quotes and funny moments from the movie. There are several quotes from the book that was in the movie, as well as some original quotes. If I missed a quote, feel free to leave a comment below and I’ll add it!

Reese Witherspoon is Mrs Whatsit, Storm Reid is Meg Murry, Deric McCabe is Charles Wallace Murry and Gugu Mbatha-Raw is Mrs. Murry in Disney’s A WRINKLE IN TIME.
It was a dark and stormy night.
Dr. Murray [to Meg]: Love is always there, even if you don’t feel it.
Meg: Not gone, just enfolded.
Charles Wallace: It’s good to be prepared. Never know who will stop by.
Charles Wallace: Shame on you for talking like that. I’m not odd. You are. Because you think making up mean stories about people make you feel better about yourself. Well, it doesn’t, does it?
And Meg might be a mess, but she has more potential in her pinky then you do in your whole body.
Did you hear that Meg? Meg, over here! You may be a mess, but you have more potential than anybody here. Mom was funny looking at your age too. And look at her now, she’s beautiful!
Dr. Kate Murray [to Meg]: Don’t give up hope, Meglet.
Dr. Kate Murray: [ to MEg] You’re much too straightforward to be able to pretend to be what you aren’t.
Mrs. Whatsit: [ to Dr. Kate Murray] You’ve been doing a wonderful job of keeping the darkness out. Well, almost all of the darkness. You must be Meg.
Mrs. Whatsit: We can’t take any credit for our talents. It’s how we use them that counts.
Mrs. Whatsit: Oh is it? I’m terrible with time. Mrs. Which usually handles that.
Mrs. Whatsit: [ to Meg] You really don’t trust easily? Charles Wallace, I’m not sure about Meg.
Charles Wallace: Give her a chance.
Mrs. Whatsit: Okay, you’re the boss.
Mrs. Whatsit: Wild nights are my glory.
Charles Wallace: [ to Calvin] You’re good at diplomacy.
Meg: Why do we need that?
Charles Wallace: Well, the fact that you asked is exactly why we need it.
Mrs. Who: Life without love is like a tree without blossom or fruit. -Gibran Lebanese
Mrs. Who: The wound is the place where the light enters you.- Rumi, Persian
Dr. Kate Murray: In order to be great, it’s not enough to say it, you have to actually be great.
Calvin: [ to Meg] You know, you have great hair.
Charles Wallace: This is it kids, this is it!
Mrs. Who: You need to get up, get out and get something. How will you make it if you never even try? – OutKast, American
Mrs. Which: Is there such thing as the wrong size?
Mrs. Whatsit: And might I say, how honored I am to be on this, my very first mission. I was chosen for my great verbalizing and materializing skills.
Mrs. Whatsit: We’re warriors who serve the good and light and the universe.
Mrs. Which: You just have to find the right frequency and have faith in who you are.
Mrs. Which: Whatsit, we don’t kick people!
Mrs. Whatsit: Oh, I didn’t know!
Mrs. Who: The foot feels the foot when it hits the ground.- Buddha, Nepali
Mrs. Whatsit: Everyone knows that flowers are the best gossipers in the universe!
Mrs. Whatsit: Seriously, Charles Wallace, I am underwhelmed!
Mrs. Who: [ referring to Mrs. Whatsit change] Dang! – Chris Tucker, American
Mrs. Which: Whatsit, those from Earth need more help than most. You know this. You could have prepared them better. We must help them stay focused on light when darkness is present.
Mrs. Whatsit: I mean, I’m trying. But their human! They’re very limited.
Mrs. Who: Love looks not with the eye, but with the mind. – William Shakespeare, British
Charles Wallace: [referring to Happy Medium] Is that your boyfriend?
Mrs. Whatsit: Well, when you’re over a billion years old, you don’t need labels.
Mrs. Which: [ to Meg] Do you realize how many events, choices, that had to occur since the birth of the universe leading up to the making of you? Just exactly the way you are.
Meg: I guess I never really thought that.
Mrs. Which: Maybe now is the time to start thinking about it.
Happy Medium: I really need a doorbell!
Happy Medium: Well, you obviously don’t understand the importance of balance, moderation of the happy medium.
Meg: You sound like my mother.
Happy Medium: Was your mother a baritone?
Mrs. Whatsit: How’s it going Happy?
Happy Medium: Everything’s fine, Whatsit, you look nice.
Mrs. Whatsit: I do?
Happy Medium: I like your outfit. It’s like a person outfit.
Mrs. Whatsit: Thank you.
Happy Medium: You look like a person.
Mrs. Whatsis: Thank you. You look pretty, okay as well.
Happy Medium: Thank you. Earthtones are my..
Mrs. Which: Close your eyes. See with mine.
Mrs. Which: You see this is what the ‘it’ does. One person at a time, until fear takes over. Fear turns to rage. Rage leads to violence. And then there’s a tipping point. If we do not act soon, darkness will fall across the universe.
We, we’re in search of warriors who can fight the “it”! Who can bring hope back? Your father.
Be a warrior. Can you?
Happy Medium: [ to Meg] You can do this, you’re choosing not to.
Happy Medium: It’s okay to fear the answers, Meg. But you can’t avoid them.
Happy Medium: You don’t want to end up like me, a weirdo with a beard in a cave.
Dr. Murray: Love is the frequency.
Mrs. Who: Planning is essential. – Winston Churchill, British

The three celestial beings, Mrs. Whatsit (Reese Witherspoon), Mrs. Who (Mindy Kaling) and Mrs. Which (Oprah Winfrey) in Disney’s A WRINKLE IN TIME, an epic adventure directed by Ava DuVernay and bsed on Madeleine L’Engle’s timeless classic which takes audiences across dimensioins of time and space, examining the nature of darkness versus light and ultimately, the triumph of love.
Mrs. Which: We can only tesser where we find light. Because we are light.
Mrs. Who: Can’t we at least leave them with something to help them?
Mrs. Whatsit: Yes, gifts. I love gifts.
Mrs. Who: [ hands glasses to Meg] They work well in a moment of peril. For they see that which is enfolded. Not gone, just enfolded.
Mrs. Whatsit: Meg, trouble-problematic Meg. To you, I give the gift of your faults. You’re welcome.
Meg: You do know my faults are the bad qualities, right?
Mrs. Whatsit: Are they really, hmmm. Well, then you’re all set.
Mrs. Which: My gift is my command to stay together. Don’t let anyone separate you.
Mrs. Who: When shall we three meet again? In thunder, lightning, or in rain? – William Shakespeare, British
Meg: [ to Calvin] Do you trust me?
Calvin: I trust you!
Calvin: [ to Meg] You have know idea how incredible you are, do you?
Camazoite Woman: [ to Meg, Charles Wallace, and Calvin] I have roast and potatoes and cakes of all sorts.
Calvin: I could eat.
Calvin: Cakes of all sorts!
Red: [ to Charles Wallace] Twice one is two. Twice two is four. Twice three is six. Twice four is eight. Twice five is ten. Twice six is twelve. Twice seven is fourten. Twice eight is sixteen.
Charles Wallace: Well, that was fun!
Charles Wallace: I’m underwhelmed.
Dr. Murray: [ to Charles Wallace] What has the ‘it’ done to you?
Charles Wallace: The “it” has shown me my potential. I can see the weakness of any soul. Like, take your soul. How desperate to matter in the universe. You abandoned your own family and never looked back.
Dr. Murray: [ looking at Meg] That’s not true. I swear.
Charles Wallace: Doesn’t matter. Let’s go meet the ‘it’! Don’t make me drag you!
Charles Wallace: This is what you get when you put yourself before family.
Charles Wallace: [ to Meg] Nothing we love more than stupid courage.
Meg: [ to Charles Wallace] I know my faults. How I’m messy. Uncoordinated. I don’t trust anyone. And most days, I hate myself. I’m impulsive and suspicious. And yet, you love me.
Charles Wallace: What?
Meg: Don’t you Charles Wallace?
Charles Wallace: It’s okay. You don’t understand how weak-mindedness you’re willing to accept the fact that love is just a word. It’s an empty, meaningless word.
Meg: You can hurt me when I say I love you, but I’ll love you anyway! Because you love me! That’s why you made milk for me on stormy nights. That’s why you check in on me during recess. That’s why you wanted to find daddy, to make me happy! That’s why the Mrs. took a chance on me. Because they felt your love. And you should love me because I deserve to be loved!
I love you. I love you, Charles Wallace! I LOVE YOU!
I love you biscuits!
Mrs. Which: Meg, you did it.
Meg: I tried!
Mrs. Whatsit: Well, I knew you could do it all along. I never doubted you for a second.
Meg: Well, I used my faults like you said.
Mrs. Whatsit: Such beautiful faults.
Mrs. Which: You should be proud. Some of our best warriors come from earth.
Mrs. Which: And those who were willing to face the darkness, bring the best of themeslves to the light- for the world.
Mrs. Who: Tomorrow, they’ll be more of us. – Miranda, American
Charles Wallace: Meg, you did it. You absolutely, gloriously tessered!
Dr. Murray: [ to Meg] I wanted to shake hands with the universe, but I should have been holding yours.
Dr. Murray (to his wife): I’m sorry I’m late.
4desertfox says
Please check the beautiful quote about “not gone, but enfolded”. You posted “unfolded”. The word “enfolded” makes so much more sense as when enfolded (like a wrinkle in time) you may not be able to see the person – not gone, but enfolded. 😉
T Worthey says
Thank you. We will get that updated!
Pablo says
Sandy Geddes says
Mrs. Who: “Until we meet again.” -Oprah’s last words on her last show of the Oprah Winfrey Show.
T Worthey says
Oh wow, I didn’t know that, thanks for sharing!