Who is Storm Reid you may ask? She’s a hero, and tessering to a theater near you on March 9th in Disney’s A Wrinkle In Time movie. Read my eight takeaways from our interview, which will leave you with why you need to know her name. She’s a beautiful, bright, actress with a great head on her shoulders, and the girl can act!
Who Is Storm Reid | 8 Takeaways From Our Interview | Why You Need To Know Her Name
After an amazing interview with Oprah, Mindy, and Reese, we spent some time with Storm Reid, who plays Meg Murray in Disney’s A Wrinkle In Time. Storm did a phenomenal job playing Meg. She took on a big role with a lot of responsibility. As the star of the show, nailing her lines, having the right emotions, and being able to really get into her character was crucial to her performance. I believe she did a fantastic job in this role, and I know her future is bright. After talking to Storm, this 14-year-old is brilliant, a woke teen, and nothing can stop her.
What is A Wrinkle In Time about?
From visionary director Ava DuVernay comes Disney’s “A Wrinkle in Time,” an epic adventure based on Madeleine L’Engle’s timeless classic which takes audiences across dimensions of time and space, examining the nature of darkness versus light and, ultimately, the triumph of love. Through one girl’s transformative journey led by three celestial guides, we discover that strength comes from embracing one’s individuality and that the best way to triumph over fear is to travel by one’s own light.
Who is Meg Murray?
Storm Reid plays Meg Murray in A Wrinkle In Time. Meg Murry is a typical middle school student struggling with issues of self-worth who just wants to fit in. The daughter of two world-renowned physicists, she is intelligent and uniquely gifted, as is her younger brother, Charles Wallace, but Meg has yet to realize it for herself. Complicating matters is the mysterious disappearance of her father four years ago, which has left Meg devastated and her mother heartbroken, and while friends and faculty at school urge her to move on, Meg knows he is still alive. Before he vanished, Mr. Murry was tracking events in the cosmos when he discovered tessering, a wrinkling of time and space through which intergalactic travel is possible, but it is still an unproven theory, and one the scientific community regards with much skepticism.
What Ava DuVernay had to say about Storm Reid as Meg Murray
“Storm Reid as Meg is a departure from the description of the girl in the book,” says DuVernay. “She’s a biracial child, so this is a girl who is inclusive of different kinds of people in her very being. The hope is that you see this film, no matter who you are, and you see yourself in it. The real world is made up of all kinds of folks. It’s a quilt, you know, it’s a tapestry, and we all have a thread within it.” “Storm truly is a singular talent,” DuVernay continues. “During filming, she made my jaw drop on a daily basis because of what she is able to do as an actor. She’s a romantic lead; she’s a heroine, she does action sequences, she gets to save the day, cry, laugh, be impatient, be forgiving, be loving, be spiteful…she can do it all. She’s in every frame of the film, and she holds it like a freaking rock. She is a force of nature, and aptly named.”
On being a hero and inspiration to girls everywhere
Storm tells us how it feels to be the next generation- a hero and inspiration to little girls who look like her. “It means everything to me, and it’s very empowering for me still as a young, little girl being able to represent the little girls that look like me and being able to give them hope and know that they can have any opportunity they wanna have and they can do anything no matter their big hair or their big nose, as people say, or their glasses or their skin tone. They can do anything. So, for me able to be that for them and be an inspiration and to uplift them and empower them in a time like this where everybody’s so divided, and it’s so dark. It means a lot.”
Working with Ava, Oprah, Mindy, and Reese
The question was asked if Storm was able to glean some knowledge from being around these powerful women. “They’re all so great, and I just learned from each and every one of them constant graciousness, because they are just so, so amazing and so empowering. And they’re these A-List stars, but they don’t act like it. And they are so grounded and so humble. And I just love them. And then Miss Oprah told me don’t waste energy on things you can’t change in life when you can be using that energy on something positive in your life. {I loved that she called her Miss Oprah!} So, they’re just all so great, and I’m glad that I have them in my corner to pour into me and just be around me, ’cause they’re amazing women.”

Storm Reid is Meg Murry in Disney’s A WRINKLE IN TIME, an epic adventure based on Madeleine L’Engle’s timeless classic.
The message Storm found in A Wrinkle In Time
“I feel like it had a deeper message- for young girls not to conform to what society wants you to be and what society thinks you should be or how you should look because you’re perfect just the way you are. And you have Meg, who is doubtful about herself and doesn’t love herself at the time. And you have this perfect version of her with this straight hair and this crop top and all these lil’ trinkets and who is really pretty and is cute.
But Meg chooses herself over this perfect Meg because she realizes that she is enough and that she is worthy of being loved just the way she is. So, I feel like it was really fun to film, but it had a deeper message, and I’m glad that I was able to kind of connect with that as a young teenage girl trying not to follow trends and trying to be unique and be myself. And also I feel like that will transcend to our audience, especially our young girls.”
If you could tesser, where would you go?
“Oh, there are so many places. I’ve been saying this a lot, but I think I would like to go the past during — with my knowledge as Storm, as this 14-year-old girl, go back into the Civil Rights Movement and just see how I would deal with that and cope with that and with my knowledge now and see how I would deal with those things and come back and see how I could kind of change the future, because I feel segregation and inequality is still going on. So, if I could have that knowledge of how I experience that and how I could’ve changed that and come back here in times like this, that would be really cool.”
You guys, when Storm said this, I just kinda sat there. For all of THAT to come out of a woke 14-year-old body, I started to question my parenting skills. I know for a fact my three boys, ages 15, 15, and 12, would not have said anything as powerful as this. Kudos to Storm’s parents for raising a beautiful young lady with a great head on her shoulders.
How Storm got into acting
Storm: “I started acting when I was three, and it was solely my idea. It wasn’t talked about it in my house, or my mom wasn’t an actress. It was just my idea. So, I went up to my mom, and I said I wanna be on TV, and I wanna be a stuperstar. {and she said it exactly how she said it when she was three. So cute!} And my mom was like what did you say to me? So, I had to repeat myself. We really both feel like it was my destiny and my calling to do because not a lot of three-year-olds are walking around saying what they wanna do with the rest of their lives. So, she just really thought it was just GOD and my destiny.
And Storm’s mom told her, as long as Storm took acting seriously, they would encourage and support her. What wonderful parents. Storm on acting, “thankfully I’ve been blessed enough to do so and be able to enjoy it. And it’s my love and my passion.”

Oprah Winfrey, Mrs. Which + Storm Reid is Meg Murry in Disney’s A WRINKLE IN TIME, an epic adventure based on Madeleine L’Engle’s timeless classic.
Storm’s Favorite Mrs.
Storm loved all the Mrs.and doesn’t have a favorite. There are qualities in each Mrs. she loved. “Meg loves them and Storm loves them as well.” She did share some of the wisdom she felt they imparted to young Meg. “They did have a lot of wisdom. With Mrs. Whatsit saying — when we are doing the gift exchange, and say I give you your faults was really powerful to me because that — she’s basically saying, you have your faults. They’re staying with you, and you have to accept them. And you have to learn to cope with them and use them to your advantage and to becoming the light. So, Mrs. Whatsit — I’m trying to kinda remember the quotes. I think everything Mrs. Which was just so powerful and so wise.
And then Mrs. Who, she only talked in quotes, which was kinda challenging to kinda act with that and kinda interpret what she was saying only through [STUMBLE] quotes. But I think she did say — she only talked she when she felt like she needed to talk and through every situation. So, I think she said some good things, and it really moved when she gave me her glasses in the movie, and she was like you could use through a moment of peril where you can’t see anything. And it kinda relates back to me like faith. You can’t see what’s gonna happen in your future and you don’t know what’s going to be in your future. You don’t know what’s gonna happen to you, but as long as you have faith, or you have these glasses, then you could keep on going, and you can move forward and do something good with that. Yeah.”

Storm Reid is Meg Murry, and Levi Miller is Calvin O’Keefe in Disney’s A WRINKLE IN TIME, an epic adventure based on Madeleine L’Engle’s timeless classic directed by Ava DuVernay.
Storm’s favorite A Wrinkle In Time Scene
Storm mentioned the flying scene was one of her favorite scenes in the movie. I mean, because, she could fly.” It was just so much fun to film and being able to see that translated on screen and how much fun they’re having. And it’s kind of the first time Meg is opening up, and she’s kind of having fun in this entire journey at the beginning of the movie where she is kind of accepting and letting go and kind of getting — letting go of all her worries for that moment. So, I like that. And I think my all-time favorite scene would have to be when Meg reunites with her father, ’cause it is so emotional and so powerful.
And I mean Meg has been without her father for four years. She’s had to grow up. She’s had to become this teenager with bullying and with all the bad things that are happening in her life. And to see her father and she said if she could find her father everything would make sense again, and that’s when everything started to make sense. Even though she was angry and she didn’t understand why he left, she would figure that out in the end, and everything would get better. So, those are my two favorite scenes.”
I can see why Ava selected this young talented actress to star A Wrinkle In Time. You can be the judge- plan to see this film in theaters near you on March 9th, 2018. Storm, Oprah, Mindy, Reese, and the rest of the cast did an amazing job bringing this sci-fi movie with a beautiful message to life.
Get more on A Wrinkle In Time Movie:
On interviewing Oprah, Mindy and Reese as the Mrs. | A Wrinkle In Time Characters
A Wrinkle In Time Premiere | Blue Carpet Experience + Who I Saw At The Disney Party
I’m Going To Meet Oprah + Ava | A Wrinkle In Time Press Junket
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