Find the best Star War’s Solo movie quotes and all the funny one-liner quotes in Solo. Plus, I’m sharing our movie review of Star War’s Solo movie now playing in theaters everywhere.

Credit: Disney
Star War’s Solo Movie Quotes | A Star Wars Solo Movie Review
“Solo: A Star Wars Story” is now playing in theaters everywhere. I’ll be the first to admit this, I’ve never seen a Star Wars movie before.
Yes. There are people out there who are not Star Wars fans.
However, all of my boys and the husband have watched all the movies, and my husband is a Star Wars fan. I’ve heard good reviews about Solo, and with Donald Glover being hot right now, I figured, “hey, what not?”
Overall, I thought Star War’s Solo was pretty good. One of the questions I initially asked myself, “do you have to see all the Star Wars movies, in order to watch and understand Solo?”
And the answer is, no. Since this is a prequel, you can watch Solo as a “solo” movie. Lol
I thought it was action-packed, with great characters, and several funny lines. L3-37 was one of the characters that stole the show with her funny lines and movement. It’s entertaining, with quite a few surprises. Derrick thought it was okay, but not a great Star Wars movie, and definitely not a GOOD block-buster movie for Memorial Day weekend.
Is “Solo: A Star Wars Story”good for kids?
I don’t remember hearing a lot of swearing in this movie. I also don’t recall any inappropriate or crude lines. It’s rated Pg-13. Our boys had no interest in seeing it. But if your kids are Star Wars fans, they will enjoy it.
What is “Solo: A Star Wars Story” about?
Lucasfilm presents “Solo: A Star Wars Story,” charting the adventure-filled past of Han Solo, the iconic galactic scoundrel and one of the most beloved characters in cinema history. Through a series of daring escapades deep within a dark and dangerous criminal underworld, Han Solo will meet his mighty future copilot Chewbacca and encounter the notorious gambler Lando Calrissian, in a journey that sets the course of one of the Star Wars saga’s most unlikely heroes.
Star War’s Solo Movie Quotes
We’ve put together a round of the best Solo Star Wars quotes and as well as funny moments from the movie.
Han Solo: (to Qi’ra) This is nothing, you should see them.
Qi’ra: This is going to work.
Han Solo: This is going to work. Qi’ra you always said one day we were going to get out of here and this is it.
Qi’ra: What are we waiting for?
Lady Proxima: Well, what happened?
Han Solo: I’ll tell you what happened. They double-crossed you and tried to kill me.
Lady Proxima: The money?
Han Solo: They kept it.
Lady Proxima: My coaxium?
Han Solo: They kept that too. But we learned a very valuable lesson. We cannot trust those guys.
Lady Proxima: So you expect me to believe that you walked away with nothing?
Han Solo: Oh, I ran away with my life. I think that’s something. To me, that’s a lot.
Lady Proxima: I trusted you with a simple task. And all I’m hearing is more excuses. There must be consequences for disobedience or else you never learn.
Han Solo: You know what? I don’t think I’m ever going to learn.
Lady Proxima: What did you say?
Han Solo: I said, next time somebody hits me, I hit them back.
Han Solo: The stinger is fast.
Han Solo: (to Qi’ra) Just hold on to me and don’t look back.
Han Solo: Qi’ra, I’ll come back. I’ll come back.
Han Solo: I’m going to be a pilot. Best in the galaxy.
Recruiting offer: What’s your name.
Han Solo: Han
Officer: Who are your people?
Han Solo: (to recruiting officer) I don’t have people. I’m alone.
Officer: Hans … Solo. Approved.
Han Solo: What company do you…
Val: None of your business company. And we’re full up.
Rio: Stick to soldiering kid, you don’t want any part of this.
Han Solo: Great, more mud.
Lieutenant: What was that?
Han Solo: Just wondering what our objective is, Lieutenant?
Lieutenant: To bring peace and prosperity to the galaxy. To restore a regime to the emperor. And eradicate the hostiles.
Han Solo: Is their planet. We’re the hostiles.
Beckett: (to Han) You have a talent for sticking your nose where it doesn’t belong.
Han Solo: Wait? There’s a beast?
Rio: I’ll say, I don’t care. This kid’s growing on me.
Rio: You’ll never ever have a deeper sleep, then curled on up on a Wookiee’s lap.
Han Solo: (to Chewbacca) Then we’re free. When’s the last time you could say that?
Han Solo: (to Chewbacca) You’re going to need a nickname. ‘Cause I ain’t saying that every time.

Thandie Newton is Val in SOLO: A STAR WARS STORY.
Val: (to Beckett) Sometimes you put your faith in the wrong people.
Rio: Oh come on Val. You look so sincere. Plus, have you tried to disinvite a Wookiee to anything? Not a good idea.
Rio: Personally, I refuse to be tied down by anyone. Though many have tried.
Rio: It’s no good to die alone, kid. I was right.
Val: It’s been a ride, babe. And I wouldn’t trade it for anything.
Han Solo: (to Beckett) We run. I’m already a deserter. What’s the difference?
Beckett: What did I say?
Han Solo: Look I can’t keep my eyes down the whole time. I’m going to bump into something.

Paul Bettany is Dryden Vos in SOLO: A STAR WARS STORY
Drydern Vos: Let’s eat a little. Drink a lot, and let’s talk.
Han Solo: You got a line on a ship?
Qi’ra: I know a guy. He’s the best smuggler around.

Donald Glover is Lando Calrissian in SOLO: A STAR WARS STORY.
Lando: There’s no liars in this game, just players.
Han Solo: Is this seat taken?
Lando: Nobody’s in the seat can be taken, it ain’t taken, friend.
Han Solo: So this is sa-back (ph)?
Lando: Sabacc.
Han Solo: Sabacc – got it.
Lando: You played before?
Han Solo: A couple times, yeah.
Lando: Captain Lando Calrissian.
Han Solo: Han Solo. Looks like you’re having a good day.
Lando: I’m a lucky guy.
Han Solo: Can I ask you a question, Captain Calrissian?
Lando: Anything, Haen.
Han Solo: It’s Han, but that’s OK. I heard a story about you. I was wondering if it’s true.
Lando: Everything you’ve heard about me is true.
Han Solo: Eyes on your own cards buddy. All of them.

Donald Glover is Lando Calrissian in SOLO: A STAR WARS STORY.
Lando: Whoa, whoa, whoa, Han, You might want to quit while you’re ahead.
Han Solo: You might want to quit while you’re behind.
Lando: I like this kid. You’re adorable.
Han Solo: I’m serious.
Lando: I’m calling.
Han Solo: With what your scarf? Not my style.
Lando: My ship. My ship against your ship. Do you have the nerve?
Qi’ra: I thought you were retired.
Lando: Circumstances change.
Qi’ra: How much?
Lando: The Kessel run. That’s not easy spin. I’m going to need half.
Han Solo: Ridiculous.
Lando: Shh, grown-ups are talking.
Lando: (to Beckett) I don’t like it. I don’t agree with it. But I accept it.

Donald Glover is Lando Calrissian and Phoebe Waller-Bridge is L3-37 in SOLO: A STAR WARS STORY.
Lando: Let go of the mean man’s face. We’re leaving.
L3-37: They don’t even serve our kind here.
Lando: No
L3-37: Who are these guys (pointing to Solo and crew)
Lando: We’re taking them to Kessel run.
L3-37: Oh are we? And what if I don’t elect to go to Kessel?
Lando: Please don’t start.
L3-37: Oh, you’ll have me wiped? You couldn’t get from here to Blackfire without me. And now you’re going to make the Kessel run?
Han Solo: If she doesn’t want to fly. I’ll be your co-pilot.
Lando: She’s definitely going.
L3-37: Oh why? Because you’re my organic Overlord?
Lando: Because I’m your Captain, how about that?
Lando: I actually would have her memory wiped. But she’s got the best navigational in the galaxy. She could use a fresh coat of paint though.
L3-37: You don’t want to press that button with me.
Lando: This is my pride and joy. The millenial falcon.
Han Solo: I got a good feeling about this.
Lando: (to Han) You might want to buckle up, baby.
Qi’ra: Yeah I had to try one on. (referring to the Lando’s capes)
Han Solo: That’s a lot of capes.
Qi’ra: Maybe, too many capes.
Qi’ra: I’m not sure we have that kind of time.
Han Solo: We could. We could have all the time we want, after the job.
You and I.
Qi’ra: I want to. To tell you everything that’s happened. But if I do, you won’t look at me the same. The way you’re looking at me right now.
Han Solo: Nothing is going to change the way I look at you.
Qi’ra: You don’t know what I’ve done.
Beckett: I like you kid. We got a good thing going here. You, me, Chewie. We got a solid crew. But it does not work with Qi’ra.
Han Solo: You worked with Val. You trusted her.
Beckett: You want to know I survived as long as I have? I trust no one. Assume everyone will betray you, and you will never be disappointed.
Han Solo: So like a lonely way to live.
Beckett: It’s the only way.
Lando: (to L3-37) You need anything?
L3-37: Equal rights?
L3-37: So glad we took this job!
L3-37: Lando…Lando..
Lando: I’m sorry girl. I’m so sorry.
Lando: I hate you.
Han Solo: I know.
Lando: I’m going to be on my ship. In my quarters. Waiting for you to bring me my share. Then I don’t want to ever see you again.
Han Solo: Never?

Emilia Clarke is Qi’ra and Alden Ehrenreich is Han Solo in SOLO: A STAR WARS STORY.
Qi’ra: Everyone serves somebody, Han.
Qi’ra: You don’t want to make an enemy of Crimson Dawn, which is exactly what you and I would both be doing if I left here with you.
I’m not afraid of Crimson Dawn; I can take care of myself. And I’m not the kid you knew on Corella anymore, Qi’ra.
Qi’ra: No? Then who are you?
Han Solo: I’m an outlaw.
Han Solo: What I’m not kidding.
Qi’ra: Okay, Outlaw. You can tell yourself that. But I might be the only person in the galaxy who knows who you really are.
Han Solo: Yeah. What’s that?
Qi’ra: You are the good guy.
Han Solo: I am not the good guy. I’m definitely not the good guy. I’m a terrible person.
Vos: I never ask for anything twice, Han.
Beckett: I tried to warn you about her. (referring to Qi’ra)
Han Solo: You know you’re wrong about one thing.
Beckett: What?
Han Solo: I was paying attention. You told Chewie people are predictable. You’re no exception.
Qi’ra: Go save Chewbacca. He’s going to need you. And you’re going to need him too.
Qi’ra: Smile. That’s the word. Whenever I imagined myself off with you on some adventure. It always made me smile.
Qi’ra: (to Han Solo) Go. I’m right behind you.
Beckett: Smart move, kid. For once. I would have killed you.
Lando: You really have a thing for the Falcon.
Han Solo: It’s mutual. She belongs with me.

Alden Ehrenreich is Han Solo and Joonas Suotamo is Chewbacca in SOLO: A STAR WARS STORY.
Han Solo: (to Chewie) Since when do you know how to fly?
Chewbacca roars.
Han Solo: A hundred and ninety years-old? You look great!
Han Solo: (to Chewie) I heard about a job. A very big gangster putting together a job. I’m tellin ya, it’s going to be great. When I have ever steered you wrong?
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