I am a mom to all boys. I have gotten used to saying this as time goes by. I know some of you other moms can relate, so I wanted to list of signs you’re a mom of boys.
I’m sure there are WAY more than 10 things, but it’s a start. Leave a comment below on some of the signs you’ve come across, and I’ll add them to the list!
10 Signs You’re a Mom of All Boys
You get those comments.
You know what comments I’m talking about. “ALL BOYS?” “I bet you got your hands full.” Yes, my hands are full, and yes, I have all boys. Or the, “I feel sorry for you, you’re the only girl. Don’t you want a girl”. No, I will not be trying for a girl anytime soon. Thanks! I mean.. we did that and guess what? The last one was another boy. So that’s it, no more. And yes, I’m fine being the only girl in the house. Over time, you learn to OWN that title!
You’re just exhausted.
Boys like to go, go, go. There is no downtime for tea parties or princess dress-up. My boys love to run, play, jump, and run in circles. I’m telling you, it exhausts me just watching them play! Why don’t they ever want to sit and play a nice, quiet game? But I will not trade their energy for bratty girls. They are THEE worse.
Time goes by way too fast.
You are probably looking at your boy thinking he was just born. Boys tend to grow up (as far as looks) so much faster than girls, and the boys don’t get to keep their baby faces. You know you’re a mom of boys when you’re busy squishing and squeezing those cheeks before they’re gone. Sometimes, I peek in on the boys when they are sleeping to admire what I helped create and get to love every day. Sometimes, 12 years into this I am still amazed of wow, these are my babies.
Power Rangers, Minecraft, Cards, Sword Fights, Pirates, Ninjas- you’ve played them all.
You know how to use the Power Rangers to get what you want. “Oh, you don’t want to eat your veggies? Well, no Power Rangers for you.” If you’re a Mom of boys, you have played the bad guy a few times in your lifetime. And of course, I want to come back in my next lifetime as a Ninja. My 9-year-old told me women make the best Ninjas because they are flexible. Now, how about that?
You know the latest gaming systems.
When I was a little girl, I didn’t know what a PlayStation was, but now I know what each gaming system is and when the next one is coming out. It is very important for a Mom of all boys to be in the know about this stuff! You also have to know how to fix these systems when something goes wrong. If not, you will have a lot of frustrated children. Google will be your best friend, and YouTube will be your YouTube.
You’ve tried 10 different stain cleaners.
I’ve spent a ton of money on stain cleaners, even the really expensive ones, but the dumbest one ends up working. Put Dawn on a red juice stain, and it comes out. Can I have all of my money back, please? And what’s up with every single pair of pants being ruined with holes and permanent markers? Every day, my 9-year-old gets in the car with pants that look like they went to war with pens and permanent markers. Oye!
Everything is Football or some other sport.
Even if your kids don’t like football, your husband does. It’s football all of the time because once the season ends, they’re counting down till the season begins. That will make you want to smack your head ten times. Or it’s just a sports thing. My boys are not big into football. Swimming, soccer, and basketball are the three biggest sports in our house. However, we all love watching college football. It’s almost crucial that even if you don’t like football (or other sports), it grows on you. I wasn’t a big football fan growing up, but over time, it has grown on me.
Every pair of jeans has a hole.
I don’t care what brand of jeans you just bought; they will get a hole in them. Boys are like jean hole magnets; they put a hole in every pair. And dirt. Let’s not forget the dirt. Holes and dirt are huge magnets when it comes to boys. And this is why you don’t see boy jeans in thrift stores. It’s hard to resell a pair of decent boy jeans. I still don’t understand how they get that many holes into a pair of jeans in just ONE day. Sometimes, it’s just a few hours!
You put yourself on repeat.
I have yet to meet a boy who listens the very first time. I press repeat whenever I ask my boys to do something. They must be learning from their father early. {Oops, sorry, D! }
You are their world.
Sure, your boys may say you’re fat or you have wild hair, but the truth is— you’re their world. They look up to you because you take care of them. No matter what, you’ll always be their Mom and the one that they will put first over all others. I mean, they will love Dad. But we ALL know there is nothing like Mom!
Enjoy the moments of being an all-boys mom. Not everyone gets this privilege, so try not to take it for granted.
What are some of your signs that you’re a Mom of all boys?
Leave a comment below; I want to hear what you have to say!
Amy says
(Waving!) hi! Mom of 5 boys here?Ah those comments!! ;). Aren’t they fun to field-esp. Right in front of your boys? You pretty much nailed it with this list! Made me chuckle! my new fav.-my 4 year old comes up & runs my “chubby belly” & asks when another baby brother is coming (uh no time soon!!). Thx for the laughs & fun read-we boy moms need it?
Joanie says
Hi mum of 4 here! Definitely the comments when we are out in public. One mum (who I didn’t even know!) with three boys and the youngest a girl said she was ‘just lucky’ for the last one to be a girl! In front of all 7 of our boys! I said I thought I was lucky to have my boys 🙂
Nic says
Here are two more signs that you r the mom of all boys:
You are the only one in the house that can find something that is lost!
You are the only one that can put things back in the spot they came from after they’ve been used!
T Worthey says
Ha, so true Nic! It seems I am the only one that can find things in this house. Thanks, I’ll add these!
Marie says
I love this SO much! I only have 2 boys but I always wanted boys and only boys. They are so stinky, dirty, funny, loving and so much fun. I get to do so many crazy things with them that I don’t think girls would do. I especially feel your repeat comment. My gosh do any boys/men listen?! 🙂
Your a lucky momma to have three boys.
RGX says
You don’t have one single fully functional ceiling fan in the house-3 boys and tons of balls…footballs and basketballs.
T Worthey says
HA!! True!!!
BN says
I am a mom of 3 boys as well. I have twins plus one! I love every minute of being a MOM of 3 boys; just boys! God knew what he was doing when he gave me 3 boys. My answer to, “don’t you want a girl” is… No, one day I will be blessed with 3 lovely young ladies one day. I have been praying for them for years now.
T Worthey says
Yes, I love the way you think! Glad to hear from another fellow boy mom! Thank you for stopping by!