I’m sharing details from my Kevin Feige Interview, what he thought of Thor Ragnarok and what’s next for Marvel!

Photo Credit: Allison Waken / AllForTheBoys.com
Kevin Feige Interview | Thor Ragnarok + What’s Next For Marvel
Last week I shared about my experience walking the Red Carpet of the Thor Ragnarok Premiere, as well as the Thor Ragnarok movie review. Today I am giving you the details on what it was like to interview the producer and president of Marvel, Kevin Feige!
Sometimes when we think of the head honcho, guy-in-charge, top boss, etc., we have ideas in our head that these people are no-nonsense-I-don’t-play-around people. I got that vibe that Kevin possessed this quality but in a cool way!
I mean, if you’re the top guy at Marvel, you kinda have to be cool, right?!
Marvel Is Doing The Most (In A Good Way)
Kevin is feeling pretty pumped about having a new Guardians of the Galaxy and Thor movie coming out in the same year. “It’s pretty awesome and I love that little Peter Parker in high school is in the middle of all that. It’s pretty cool, and it indicates what I’ve always wanted people to understand that just because something’s based on a comic doesn’t mean they’re all the same. Doesn’t mean they all inhabit the same exact tone.”
Kevin shared a few details about what’s next from Marvel:
- Avengers: Infinity War
- Black Panther
- Ant-Man and The Wasp (almost finished filming)
- Untitled Avengers (currently filming)
When asked about his favorite Avenger, Kevin didn’t take the bait. But he did take a brief walk down memory lane, reminiscing the different characters over the past ten years. Although he doesn’t have a favorite, Iron Man was the first Marvel movie, and that’s the one he looks back at quite fondly.
This Thor Movie Was Different
When asked why Thor Ragnarok was different from the other Thor movies, Kevin had this to say. “This was our idea, perfected and improved by Taika [Director]. We wanted to, as we always do in our movies, go to a new place. Go to an unexpected place. Look at what we did with Shane Black’s Iron Man 3, the third Captain American film, with Civil War and we always look at a third film, Infinity War in the case of Avengers coming up, as an opportunity to, to take what the fans like, that they’re willing to go with us and take them to a totally unexpected fun place.”
Will Hulk Get His Own Movie After This?
One thing you notice in Thor Ragnarok is how big of a role The Hulk has in this movie. He talked about the reasoning behind Bruce Banner/The Hulk getting so much screen time in a Thor movie. Kevin stated that Chris Hemsworth [Thor] mentioned other Avengers having mates in their movies, and he wanted to know who he was getting. Of course, he gets Hela and Valkyrie, who are dynamic matches for Thor, but Marvel wanted to bring someone in from the Universe. “We realized Hulk would be that guy, but seeing Thor and Hulk battle it out together is great. Seeing Banner and Thor being fish out of water is even better.”
And while Hulk’s name is not on the title of this movie, he kinda steals the show and holds his own. Which brings us to the next question that was asked several times throughout the day, is The Hulk getting another stand-alone movie?
Each time Kevin answered this, it gave us all a little hope. We all discussed The Hulk’s movie could start where we all saw him in Avengers hop on a plane and take off. How did he land on Sakaar? There are so many different ways they could write that movie. Kevin stated there are various contracts that would need to be worked out. He also said “I’m just so happy that we have the ability to include Hulk in these ensembles and what we, what we already have planned, the arc that we’re started with Ragnarok, that you saw. An enhanced push and pull between Hulk and Bruce Banner sort of for their body continues in the next Avengers film.”
He didn’t say no. So, I’m going to take that as a just-wait-and-see answer.
An all Female Cast? #onecanhope
After seeing Cate Blanchett and Tessa Thompson slay in Thor Ragnarok, as well as knowing that Scarlett Johansson holds her own as the Black Widow, you can’t help but wonder, will there be an all-female movie or a stand-alone female movie for one of these characters?
Here’s what Kevin had to say about that. “I think we certainly have enough powerful characters to do that. When and how, I don’t know, but I recently found myself in an undisclosed location. Somebody tapped on my shoulder, and I turned around, and there was Scarlett Johansson, Brie Larson, Karen Gillan, Tessa Thompson, Pom Klementieff, Zoe Saldana, all saying, hey, when are we going to do a movie? So that was pretty, that was pretty overwhelming.”
That One Question Every Blogger Wants To Know
One of the last questions asked of Kevin is one that was buzzing around the blogger community earlier this year. Robert Downey Jr, as Iron Man in The Spiderman film, gave a one-liner at the end of the movie that didn’t sit well with a lot of bloggers. “Behind this door are a bunch of journalists. Real ones- not bloggers.”
Kevin cleared the air to state it was an ad-lib from Mr. Downey, as many of us suspected it would have been. However, Kevin did acknowledge how bloggers would feel about that line, because he stated, “When we shot it, it just sort of went past me, and we cut it together, and only in sort of the early screenings, I went, oh, I’m gonna hear about this.”
Balancing It All
With so many films in the works, you have to wonder how the guy balances everything out. He answered our inquisitive minds by saying, you hire the best in the business. “I’ve got an incredible team at Marvel Studios, who each film has a single embedded Executive Producer on it who sees it, Brad Winterbaum on this movie [Thor Ragnarok], who lived with Taika for the past two and a half years. They’re on it the whole time, so I’m always a text or a phone call away of knowing exactly what’s happening anywhere at any given time.”
Throughout the interview, Kevin joked and laughed with us, and I got the impression that he is a really cool guy, interested in hearing what we had to say, and even calling out my “I’m Mary Poppins, Y’all” t-shirt! It was a pleasure interviewing him, and hearing his thoughts about Thor Ragnarok, celebrating Marvel’s 10th Anniversary, and what’s next for Marvel.
Marvel is doing some big thangs in the near future, and with Kevin Feige leading the way, we just have to sit back, grab our popcorn, and take it all in!
You can read my spoiler-free Thor Ragnarok movie review, and make plans to see it in theaters on November 3rd, 2017!
Thank you, Disney for hosting me on this all-expense paid press trip to the #ThorRagnarokEvent and other Disney press events. However, you will always be reading 100% of my own thoughts, squeals, and opinions!
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